Space Chicken by On One is one of the two gravel bikes made by On One using Carbon fibre. It is a bit of a conundrum choosing which model to buy, and On One don’t seem to help much in their descriptions of the models. I chose the Space Chicken on a few points all about the geometry of the frame. Remembering that which ever of the two bikes you choose, they are identical apart from the frame geometry.
Watch a short video here below

Space Chicken, On One, two not so great names for a great bike…
So for me firstly, last year I had, and had had for four years, two bikes. A Planet X road bike with Ultegra group-set, and a Viner Super Prestige with Rival 11. So a road bike and a cross bike. I loved the Viner so much that it got ridden a lot more than the road bike and I can honestly say that the difference between the two bikes on my average road ride using the same tyres was 1KMH, so the road bike was faster, but for me not a huge difference, but I preferred to ride the cross bike.

Mudguards from liteline for the winter months
The problem I had with the cross bike was just one thing, its bottom bracket was way to high for riding on the road and apart from that it was my perfect bike. Late in the year I had a bad crash on the road bike and it got written off, I decided to sell the cross bike and get a gravel bike,
One Bike to rule them all…..
Back to which bike to choose, the Space chicken has a shorter chain-stay, a shorter wheelbase and a slightly steeper head tube angle, and this was my reason for choosing this model. As to me, that equates to a quicker more responsive bike on the road. For me my riding is 90% on road and 10% off road, so more important that it can ride well on the road. It still takes 40MM tyres and 48mm tyres with 650 wheels, where as the free ranger can go bigger again. My mountain biking days are over though and a 700c wheel with 40mm tyres is plenty.

Shorter chainstay, one reason I chose the Space Chicken over the Fee Ranger
As for 11 Speed, at the moment on winter tyres at 38mm road orientated I have an 11-36 cassette. In the summer I would use a 11- 32 on road, and an 11- 42 off road. I also have a 40 tooth chain-ring. On my Viner I had a 38 tooth chain-ring, but 38-11 front rear on the road did not work out well for me, the 40 makes the difference that I need and I can still pedal the bike at about 45KMH comfortably (downhill).

Absolute Black 40 tooth chainring, perfect for on and off road.
Upgrades that I made immediately on purchase of the bike.
Wheels – Hunt 4 Season, saving 350 Grams, (Changing the wheels is something I have done on the 4 bikes I have bought from On One / Planet X, it is a simple improvement, if a little expensive.) I already had the wheels from the Viner.

Hunt Wheel, already almost four years old, great value and good weight.
Carbon seat-pin from Shannon, I picked up for 60 Euros new from CRC, not the prettiest but saves 150 grams over the original, plus the Charge saddle that I had already.

Not the best seat pin, but saved 150 grams
Absolute Black Chain-ring at 40teeth, I have been using these for the last 4 years, also saved 50 grams.
FSA carbon bars, I treated myself to these as it is my “only bike”, it supposedly adds comfort and saved me 50 grams.

Carbon bars, marginally lighter, extra comfort
So In total I took 600 grams off the weight of the bike which according to On One suggested 9.6KG means I have a 9KG bike.
Edit 27/2/2021, I since got hold of a Force Carbon crankest, unused for 90 euros and have now installed this, a whopping 183grams lighter than Rival 90Grams per crank. So the bike is now about 8.8KG.
Since I have now completed 2000KM on the bike in a little over 3 months over the winter, I also put on some Lifeline mudguards, which are excellent. They will be removed once spring arrives. The only issues I have had is having to adjust the headset every 500KM and the right hand Rival lever is, just like my last bike starting to slowly move back towards the bar. This is solved by adjusting the allen key reach adjuster and putting one drop of Loctite on it.
I am delighted with the Space Chicken from ON One, yes indeed On One is a stupid name for a bike as is Space chicken, the On One sticker on the down tube is so big I taped over part of it. I love the bike though, I have a Chris King bottom bracket to fit, and some 35mm Carbon rimmed wheels coming for the summer, I was lucky to get the bike for 1299GBP as normally they go for 1599GBP but as lots of you will already know, keep an eye on their website, they are often doing promos.
If you want a gravel bike for serious all time off road, maybe go for the Free Ranger, if you want a serious one bike to do it all, go like me for the Free Ranger. Both by On One…
Photos and film, FUJI XE3